Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Differential Psychology Essay Example

Differential Psychology Essay Example Differential Psychology Essay Differential Psychology Essay Differential Psychology studies the ways in which individuals differ in their behavior. This is distinguished from other aspects of psychology in that although psychology is ostensibly a study of individuals, modern psychologists often study  groups  or biological underpinnings of cognition. EXAMPLE In evaluating the effectiveness of a new therapy, the mean performance of the therapy in one  treatment group  might be compared to the mean effectiveness of a  placebo  (or a well-known therapy) in a second, control group. In this context, differences between individuals in their reaction to the experimental and control manipulations are actually treated as errors rather than as interesting phenomena to study. This is because  psychological research  depends upon statistical controls that are only defined upon groups of people. Individual difference psychologists usually express their interest in individuals while studying groups by seeking dimensions shared by all individuals but upon which individuals differ. Importance of individual differences Individual differences are essential whenever we wish to explain how individuals differ in their behavior. In any study, significant variation exists between individuals. Reaction time, preferences, values, and health-linked behaviors are just a few examples. Individual differences in factors such as  personality,  intelligence,  memory, or physical factors such as body size, sex, age, and other factors can be studied and used in understanding this large source of variance. Importantly, individuals can also differ not only in their current state, but in the magnitude or even direction of response to a given  stimulus. Such phenomena, often explained in terms of  inverted-U  response curves, place differential psychology at an important location in such endeavours as  personalized medicine, in which diagnoses are customised for an individuals response profile. Areas of study Individual differences research typically includes  personality,  motivation,  intelligence, bility,  IQ,  interests,  values,  self-concept,  self-efficacy, and  self-esteem  (to name just a few). There are few remaining differential psychology programs in the United States, although research in this area is very active. Current researchers are found in a variety of applied and experimental programs, includingeducational psychology,  Industrial and organizational psychology,  personality psychology,  social psychology, and  developmental psycholog y  programs, in the  neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development  in particular.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The 4 Mitosis PhasesProphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

The 4 Mitosis PhasesProphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In order to heal an injury, your body needs to replace damaged cells with healthy new ones...and mitosis plays a crucial role in this process! Mitosis is a process of cell division that helps you stay alive and healthy. In other words, in the world of cell biology, mitosis is kind of a big deal! But like with anything science-related, mitosis can be sort of confusing when you first try to understand it. The key idea is that the process of mitosis involves four phases, or steps, that you need to understand if you want to understand how mitosis works. In this article, we’re going to do the following things to break down the four steps of mitosis for you and help you get acquainted with the mitosis phases: Briefly define mitosis and eukaryotic cells Break down the four phases of mitosis, in order Provide mitosis diagrams for the stages of mitosis Give you five resources for learning more about the phases of mitosis Now, let’s dive in! Feature image: Jpablo cadand Juliana Osorio/Wikimedia Commons (Marek Kultys/Wikimedia Commons) What Is Mitosis? Mitosis is a process that occurs during the cell cycle. The role of mitosis in the cell cycle is to replicate the genetic material in an existing cell- known as the â€Å"parent cell†- and distribute that genetic material to two new cells, known as â€Å"daughter cells.† In order to pass its genetic material to the two new daughter cells, a parent cell must undergo cell division, or mitosis. Mitosis results in two new nuclei- which contain DNA- that eventually become two identical cells during cytokinesis. Mitosis occurs in eukaryotic (animal) cells. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus that contains the cell’s genetic material. A crucial part of mitosis involves breaking down the nuclear membrane that surrounds the cell’s DNA so that the DNA can be replicated and separated into new cells. Other types of cells, like prokaryotes, don’t have a nuclear membrane surrounding their cellular DNA, which is why mitosis only occurs in eukaryotic cells. The main purpose of mitosis is to accomplish cell regeneration, cell replacement, and growth in living organisms. Mitosis is important because it ensures that all new cells that are generated in a given organism will have the same number of chromosomes and genetic information. In order to accomplish this goal, mitosis occurs in four discrete, consistently consecutive phases: 1) prophase, 2) metaphase, 3) anaphase, and 4) telophase. Our in-depth post on mitosis is coming soon, so you can think of this as an intro to what mitosis is and how it works! What we want to focus on in more detail here are the 4 stages of mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and what happens during those phases! So let’s get down to it. The 4 Phases of Mitosis: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase So what are the stages of mitosis? The four stages of mitosis are known as prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase. Additionally, we’ll mention three other intermediary stages (interphase, prometaphase, and cytokinesis) that play a role in mitosis. During the four phases of mitosis, nuclear division occurs in order for one cell to split into two. Sounds simple enough, right? But different things occur in each step of mitosis, and each step is crucial to cell division occurring properly. That means successful cell division depends on the precision and regulation of each phase of mitosis. That’s why it’s important to be able to understand and articulate the role of each phase in mitosis overall. Also: you may have seen or heard the parts of mitosis called different things: mitosis phases, the stages of mitosis, the steps of mitosis, or maybe even something else. All of those different phrases refer to the exact same process. As long as you remember that the phases/stages/steps of mitosis always happen in the same order, it doesn’t really matter which of those phrases you use! Next, we’re going to breakdown the four phases of mitosis in order so you can understand how mitosis occurs through each phase. (Ph. Immel/Wikimedia Commons) Interphase: What Happens Before Mitosis We can think of interphase as a transitional phase. Interphase is when the parent cell prepares itself for mitosis. This phase isn’t considered part of mitosis, but understanding what happens during interphase can help the steps of mitosis make a little more sense. You can think of interphase kind of like the opening act. They aren’t the band you came to see, but they get the audience warmed up for the main event. Interphase occurs prior to the beginning of mitosis and encompasses what’s called stage G1, or first gap, stage S, or synthesis, and stage G2, or second gap. Stages G1, S, and G2 must always occur in this order. The cell cycle begins with stage G1, which is a part of interphase. So how does the parent cell prep itself for mitosis during interphase? During interphase, the cell is busy growing. It’s producing proteins and cytoplasmic organelles during the G1 phase, duplicating its chromosomes during the S phase, then continuing to grow in preparation for mitosis in the G2 phase. In the cell cycle, interphase doesn’t just occur before mitosis- it also alternates with mitosis. It’s important to remember that this is a recurring cycle. When mitosis ends, interphase starts up again! In fact, in the grand scheme of the cell cycle, mitosis is a much shorter phase than interphase. (Kelvinsong/Wikimedia Commons) Phase 1: Prophase Prophase is the first step of mitosis. This is when the genetic fibers within the cell’s nucleus, known as chromatin, begin to condense and become tightly compacted together. During interphase, the parent cell’s chromosomes are replicated, but they aren’t yet visible. They’re just floating around in the form of loosely collected chromatin. During prophase, that loose chromatin condenses and forms into visible, individual chromosomes. Since each of the parent cell’s chromosomes were replicated during interphase, there are two copies of each chromosome in the cell during prophase. Once the chromatin has condensed into individual chromosomes, the genetically-identical chromosomes come together to form an â€Å"X† shape, called sister chromatids. These sister chromatids carry identical DNA and are joined at the center (in the middle of the â€Å"X† shape) at a point called the centromere. The centromeres will serve as anchors that’ll be used to pull the sister chromatids apart during a later phase of mitosis. And that’s what’s happening inside the nucleus during prophase! After the sister chromatids form, two structures called centrosomes move away from each other outside of the nucleus. As they move to opposite sides of the cell, the centrosomes form something called the mitotic spindle. The mitotic spindle will eventually be responsible for separating the identical sister chromatids into two new cells and is made up of long protein strands, called microtubules. Late Prophase: Prometaphase Prometaphase is often referred to as â€Å"late prophase.† (Though it’s also sometimes called â€Å"early metaphase† or referred to as a distinct phase entirely!) Regardless, some really important things occur during prometaphase that propel cell division along and that help explain what happens in metaphase. Prometaphase is the phase of mitosis following prophase and preceding metaphase. The short version of what happens during prometaphase is that the nuclear membrane breaks down. Here’s the long version of what happens during prometaphase: first, the nuclear membrane or nuclear envelope (i.e. the lipid bilayer surrounding the nucleus and encasing the genetic material in the nucleus) breaks apart into a bunch of membrane vesicles. Once the nuclear envelope breaks apart, the sister chromatids that were stuck inside the nucleus break free. Now that the nucleus’s protective covering is gone, kinetochore microtubules move near the sister chromatids and attach to them at the centromere (that spot at the center of the â€Å"X†). Now these kinetochore microtubules are anchored at opposite poles on either end of the cell, so they’re extending themselves toward the sister chromatids and connecting them to one of the edges of the cell. It’s kind of like catching a fish with a fishing pole- eventually, the chromatids are going to be separated and drawn to opposite ends of the cell. And that’s the end of prometaphase. After prometaphase ends, metaphase- the second official phase of mitosis- begins. (Kelvinsong/Wikimedia Commons) Phase 2: Metaphase Metaphase is the phase of mitosis that follows prophase and prometaphase and precedes anaphase. Metaphase begins once all the kinetochore microtubules get attached to the sister chromatids’ centromeres during prometaphase. So here’s how it happens: the force generated during prometaphase causes the microtubules to start pulling back and forth on the sister chromatids. Since the microtubules are anchored at opposite ends of the cell, their back-and-forth pulling on different sides of the sister chromatids gradually shifts the sister chromatids to the middle of the cell. This equal and opposite tension causes the sister chromatids to align along an imaginary- but very important!- line trailing down the middle of the cell. This imaginary line dividing the cell down the middle is called the metaphase plate or equatorial plane. Now, in order for metaphase to progress on to anaphase, the sister chromatids must be equitably distributed across that metaphase plate. That’s where the metaphase checkpoint comes in: the metaphase checkpoint ensures that the kinetochores are properly attached to the mitotic spindles and that the sister chromatids are evenly distributed and aligned across the metaphase plate. If they are, the cell gets the green light to move on to the next phase of mitosis. The checkpoint is very important because it helps the cell make sure that it mitosis will result in two new, identical cells with the same DNA! Only once the cell passes the metaphase checkpoint successfully can the cell proceed to the next stage of mitosis: anaphase. (Kelvinsong/Wikimedia Commons) Phase 3: Anaphase The third phase of mitosis, following metaphase and preceding telophase, is anaphase. Since the sister chromatids began attaching to centrosomes on opposite ends of the cell in metaphase, they’re prepped and ready to start separating and forming genetically-identical daughter chromosomes during anaphase. During anaphase, the centromeres at the center of the sister chromatids are severed. (It sounds worse than it is!) Remember how the sister chromatids are attached to the mitotic spindle? The spindle is made up of microtubules, which start shrinking during this phase of mitosis. They gradually pull the severed sister chromatids toward opposite poles of the cell. Anaphase ensures that each chromosome receives identical copies of the parent cell’s DNA. The sister chromatids split apart down the middle at their centromere and become individual, identical chromosomes. Once the sister chromatids split during anaphase, they’re called sister chromosomes. (They’re actually more like identical twins!) These chromosomes will function independently in new, separate cells once mitosis is complete, but they still share identical genetic information. Finally, during the second half of anaphase, the cell begins to elongate as polar microtubules push against each other. It goes from looking like one round cell to...well, more like an egg as the new chromosome sets pull further away from each other. At the end of anaphase, chromosomes reach their maximum condensation level. This helps the newly separated chromosomes stay separated and prepares the nucleus to re-form . . . which occurs in the final phase of mitosis: telophase. (Kelvinsong/Wikimedia Commons) Phase 4: Telophase Telophase is the last phase of mitosis. Telophase is when the newly separated daughter chromosomes get their own individual nuclear membranes and identical sets of chromosomes. Toward the end of anaphase, the microtubules began pushing against each other and causing the cell to elongate. Those polar microtubules keep elongating the cell during telophase! In the meantime, the separated daughter chromosomes that are being pulled to opposite ends of the cell finally arrive at the mitotic spindle. Once the daughter chromosomes have fully separated to opposite poles of the cell, the membrane vesicles of the parent cell’s old, broken down nuclear envelope form into a new nuclear envelope. This new nuclear envelope forms around the two sets of separated daughter chromosomes, creating two separate nuclei inside the same cell. You might think of the events of telophase as a reversal of the events that occur during prophase and prometaphase. Remember how prophase and prometaphase are all about the nucleus of the parent cell starting to break down and separate? Telophase is about the reformation of the nuclear envelope around new nuclei to separate them from each cell’s cytoplasm. Now that the two sets of daughter chromosomes are encased in a new nuclear envelope, they begin to spread out again. When this occurs, it is the end of telophase, and mitosis is complete. (LadyofHats/Wikimedia Commons) Cytokinesis: What Happens After Mitosis Like interphase, cytokinesis isn’t a part of mitosis, but it’s definitely an important part of the cell cycle that is essential to completing cell division. Sometimes, the occurrence of the events of cytokinesis overlaps with telophase and even anaphase, but cytokinesis is still considered a separate process from mitosis. Cytokinesis is the actual division of the cell membrane into two discrete cells. At the end of mitosis, there are two new nuclei contained within the existing parent cell, which has stretched out into an oblong shape. So at this point, there’s actually two complete nuclei hanging out in one cell! So how does one cell become two cells? Cytokinesis is responsible for completing the process of cell division by taking those new nuclei, separating the old cell in half, and ensuring that each of the new daughter cells contains one of the new nuclei. Here’s how the separation of the old cell is accomplished during cytokinesis: remember that imaginary line running down the middle of the cell and dividing the centrosomes, called the metaphase plate? During cytokinesis, a contractile ring made of protein filaments develops where that metaphase plate used to be. Once the contractile ring forms down the middle of the cell, it starts shrinking, which pulls the cell’s outer plasma membrane inward. You can think of it like a belt that just keeps tightening around the middle of the cell, squeezing it into two sections. Eventually, the contractile ring shrinks so much that the plasma membrane pinches off and the separated nuclei are able to form into their own cells. The end of cytokinesis signifies the end of the M-phase of the cell cycle, of which mitosis is also a part. At the end of cytokinesis, the division part of the cell cycle has officially ended. 5 (Free!) Resources for Further Study of the Steps of Mitosis Mitosis is a complex process, and the mitosis phases involve a lot of big words and unfamiliar concepts that you might want to learn more about. If you’re interested in diving more deeply into the 4 stages of mitosis, take a look at our five suggested resources for further study of the steps of mitosis, explained below! #1: Mitosis Animations Online Reading all about mitosis can definitely be helpful, but what if visuals really help you understand how things work? That’s where web animations of mitosis might come in handy for you. Watching mitosis in action through web animations can help give you an idea of what all those verbal descriptions really mean. They can also help you picture what the phases of mitosis might look like under a real microscope! There are probably a lot of web animations of mitosis that you could take a look at, but we recommend these three: John Kyrk’s Mitosis Animation The Biology Project’s â€Å"Online Onion Root Tips† Cells Alive’s â€Å"Animal Cell Mitosis† We particularly like Cells Alive’s â€Å"Animal Cell Mitosis† animation because it allows you to pause the animation as it loops through the phases of mitosis in order to take a fine-grained look at how mitosis works. Cells Alive’s version also juxtaposes its animation of the mitosis phases with footage of mitosis occurring under a microscope, so you’ll know what you’re looking for if you’re ever tasked with observing cell mitosis in the lab. iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen/iframe #2: â€Å"Mitosis: Splitting Up Is Hard To Do† by Crash Course If you’re a bit exhausted from reading dense material and need someone else to put the stages of mitosis into more accessible terms, head over to YouTube and watch Crash Course’s 10 minute video on mitosis, called â€Å"Mitosis: Splitting Up Is Hard to Do.† The nice thing about this video is that, while being a bit more thorough than some of the other YouTube videos you might find out there on mitosis, it’s also really funny. More importantly, it explains mitosis in terms of familiar, everyday biological processes, like when you get a cut and need your body to make new cells to heal. If you need help thinking about the real-world relevance of the mitosis phases beyond just being something you have to memorize for a lab or exam, this is a great resource. #3: â€Å"Phases of Mitosis† by Khan Academy Here’s another YouTube video, but the tone and style of this explanation of the steps of mitosis by Khan Academy is a little different. Watching this tutorial on the mitosis phases feels a bit like you’re sitting in biology class and your teacher/professor is drawing out diagrams of mitosis while talking you through the entire process (except in this case, your teacher is sort of cool and only uses neon colors to draw the diagrams). If you’re looking for a step-by-step tutorial that takes a slow pace and deals with the steps of mitosis thoroughly, Khan Academy has you covered! #4: Creating a Mitosis Flip Book For some learners, the process of creating something to show your knowledge can help with memorization of difficult concepts and/or developing a thorough understanding of how things work. That’s why we suggest trying out some old-school tactics to build your knowledge of the 4 stages of mitosis! A tried-and-true approach to learning the mitosis phases, vetted by biology teachers, is creating a mitosis flip book. Post-It provides a step-by-step guide on how you can create a mitosis flip book on your own, but it’s really pretty simple: you get something to draw with, grab small note cards or sticky notes to draw on, and draw what each phase of the cell cycle looks like on individual note cards/sticky notes! When you’ve finished drawing your version of the stages of mitosis on your cards, you either stick, tape, or staple them together, and voila! You can flip through your mitosis flip book from beginning to end and watch the progression of mitosis through the four phases. Activities like this one can help imprint on your memory what each step of mitosis looks like. Plus, when you finish your flip book, you’ve got a pocket-sized resource that you can carry with you as a part of your study guide or a quick resource for review before a quiz or exam! #5: â€Å"Mitosis Study Set† by ProProfs Flashcards Maybe you’re feeling pretty good about your knowledge of the stages of mitosis but you want some help in testing that knowledge before a formal quiz or exam. That’s where ProProfs Flashcards’ â€Å"Mitosis Study Set,† an online study guide that provides an array of flashcards to help you test your knowledge of the stages of mitosis, comes in. What’s fun about this flashcard set is that you can choose different assessment styles depending on where you are in your knowledge of mitosis. The flashcard set provides traditional question-and-answer flashcards, a flashcard function specifically geared toward memorization, a multiple choice quiz, and matching. If you want to practice being tested on the steps of mitosis before the actual test, check out this resource! ProProfs Flashcards provides several study sets on other topics related to or involving mitosis, so if you need to test your knowledge of mitosis beyond just the four phases, this resource could help out there as well. What's Next? If you want more traditional resources to help you learn about the cell cycle, our list of the best AP Biology study guides has you covered. You’ll probably need to know about more than just mitosis to ace your AP Biology exam. Here’s an expert guide to the test to get your studying started off on the right foot! Taking science classes in high school (and doing well in them!) is an important step on your journey to get into the university of your dreams. Check out this article about which science classes you need to take before applying for college to figure out which classes are right for you.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

V of Plato's Republic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

V of Plato's Republic - Term Paper Example In the novel entitled Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, a society based on the eradication of individuality is described. All members of society are given a drug called â€Å"soma† in order to live in a chemically induced euphoria as prescribed by the social leaders. Similarly, in Plato’s Book V of the Republic, it is intended that society eliminate the barriers imposed by family units in order for the community as a whole to contain people that are all equally affiliated with one another in order for the community to act as one organism in and of itself. As far as a communist theory goes, this is described as ideal because the overall whole of the population is then able to see itself as one equally related group of people, without one person having special interest in the well being of another person more so than they would anyone else within that society. In addition to making each person equally associated to all other persons within this society, it is pointed out by Plato that women and men are capable of performing many of the same tasks therefore somewhat eliminating gender roles and furthering the elimination of the family unit. Plato did however tend to express his thoughts that women were inferior to men in many ways including intellect, â€Å" For men born and educated like our citizens, the only way, in my opinion, of arriving at a right conclusion about the possession and use of women and children is to follow the path on which we originally started, when we said that the men were to be the guardians and watchdogs of the herd† (Plato, pp. 2). This quote serves to illustrate Plato’s intention to expand on a woman’s role in his idealistic society, but yet he still places men in a leadership position above women. It can also be said that Plato examined the notion of the whole populace as a gene pool and only the best specimens out of that gene pool should reproduce thus rendering the best possible offspring. In Brave New World, there

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lion and the Jewel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lion and the Jewel - Essay Example First, the play illustrates how African culture and western civilization differ when it comes to marriage and family life. In particular, Soyinka’s play shows how the two differ on matters of child bearing. In the play, Sidi represents the traditional African culture while Lakunle represents the western civilization. Lakunle does not view child bearing as an important aspect of marriage. In his words, he says that he is not after a wife â€Å"To bring forth children by the gross†¦.† (Soyinka, 9). Sidi reacts to this by saying to him: â€Å"Heaven forgive you!† (Soyinka, 9). Clearly, Soyinka shows that African and western cultures have differing views on child bearing. Secondly, the issue of bride price and its role is another area where the two clash. In the play, Sidi insists that Lakunle pays her bride price before marrying her. Failure to do this will make her a laughing stock. She tells him that she will marry him â€Å"But my bride-price must first be paid†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Soyinka, 8). On the contrary, Lakunle, who embraces the western cultures, argues that paying bride price is an old custom, and terms it as â€Å"a savage custom, barbaric, out-dated † (Soyinka, 8). Lakunle is of the view that bride price is a humiliation to women and this amounts to buying women like commodities. Lakunle is thus left to choose between a traditional marriage where pride price is paid and a civilized one. Thirdly, Soyinka shows how the African society embraced polygamy, unlike the western culture where monogamy was the order of the day. In the play, Baroka, the king of Ilujinle, has many wives. Sadiku, the eldest wife, is in fact comfortable Baroka bringing in another wife. She woos Sidi to get married to Baroka, promising her that Baroka will not take another wife after her. Soyinka shows that unlike western cultures, polygamy is accepted in the African culture and is even supported by

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Human’s Wisdom from Environment Essay Example for Free

Human’s Wisdom from Environment Essay The relationship between the Bangal tiger Richard parker and Pi Patel is the main focus in the novel ‘Life of Pi’.Their relationship are continually changing and it is the struggle for survival makes them need to change.A long time ago,human are weaker than animal as they don’t have strong body as animal .They do not have the sharp claws as Richard Parker does to protect themselves. However,as time going on ,human starts to dominate the earth by creating their own technology and weapon to protect themselves.The change of the relationship between Pi and Richard Parker can be seen as how human developed their skill from learning skill from the animals. In the beginning of the surivial adventure,Richard Parker is always the one who dominate the boat ,he can walk wherever he likes and to scare Pi to get off the boat because he has a much stronger power than Pi has. However,at the end,Pi is actually the one who takes control over Richard Parker and force Richard to follow his command.He does it by using the method which our ancestors used before in history.He used his weapon for attack,turtle shells for defence and his whistles for calling people to come rescue.This can shows human’s wisdom over the animal. The other thing which interested me in this novel is how Pi can adapt the new environment so quickly,he losts a lot of thing that we think we need to use in our daily life,he doesn’t have a phone,map or anything to guide him the direction or call for help.However,he reverted to the animals ways which his ancestors did before.When he arrived on the island , he started to analyze the environment and realize that the water is acidic there and it is dangerous for him to stay there . Also ,he marked down all the animal ‘s rountine.He learned some habits from Richard Parker and he did the same thing as Richard does.He adapt to become something Richard can used to live with.This remind me one extrodinary person in history which is Darwin.Charles Robert Darwin is an English naturalist.He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors.The thing amaze me is Darwin did the same thing as Pi does,both of them do journal to record down what they experience and learned.When we looked back to the beginning of the novel, the zebra couldn’t adapt because it was injured ,and become the first animal to dead . Then the orangutan couldn’t adapt to the foreign environment so he was eaten by the hyena.Lastly the hyena couldn’t adapt to the new threat ,which is the tiger,therefore it get killed by Richard.However, for Pi ,he worked in zoo before so he know some of the animals behavior and that’s why he can prepare the protection for himselves first.This show s human can be adaptable to the nature as if they have enough knowledge of the environment and animal ,and the knowledge come from the analyze towards animal’s habit,that’s what make huaman on top of the food chain. Of course,it is not necessary for us to go to an island and learned all those skills because we can learn those skill from our biology book now.We should really thankful for those people who does the research before.Throughout this novel,the author Yann Martel shows us what do we need to adapt through conflict,which can also apply to our life.When we have difficulty towards our life,we should not feel panic,instead ,we should keep calm and analyze the problem we have in order to find out the solution for it.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Hinduism :: essays research papers

Hinduism The underlying concern of the Upanishads is the nature of Brahman, the universal soul; and the fundamental doctrine expounded is the identity of atman, or the innermost soul of each individual, with Brahman. Formulations of this doctrinal truth are stressed throughout the Upanishadic writings  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Upanishads are the most important portion of the Vedas. The Upanishads contain the essence or the knowledge portion of the Vedas. The philosophy of the Upanishads is sublime, profound, lofty and soul-stirring. The Upanishads speak of the identity of the individual soul and the Supreme Soul. They reveal the most subtle and deep spiritual truths. The Upanishadic period prepared the ground for the development of rational ideas, scientific observation and advanced study in the fields of mathematics, logic and the physical sciences. It also cleared the way for a secular and more humane approach in the realm of social relations and government. Brahmin orthodoxy and ideas of ritual purity were challenged and confronted. The concept of god in Upanishadic thinking was quite different from the more common definition of god as creator and dispensor of reward and punishment. The Upanishadic concept of god was more abstract and subtle. It postulated the doctrine of a universal soul - that embraced all physical beings. All life emanated from this universal soul and death simply caused individual manifestations of the soul to merge or mingle back with the universal soul. The concept of a universal soul was illustrated through analogies from natural phenomenon. "As the bees make honey by collecting the juices of distant trees, and reduce the juice into one form. And as these juices have no discrimination, so that they might say, I am the juice of this tree or that, in the same manner, all these creatures, when they have become merged in the True, know not that they are merged in the True. . . ." The name of Krishna refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose spiritual form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss. This is confirmed in the following verse of Mahabharata: "The word krs is the attractive feature of the Lord's existence, and na means spiritual pleasure.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Money & Corruption Essay

It has been said that money is the root of all evil, but what kind of sin is man willing to commit in exchange for personal gain? The Visit by Friedreck Durenmmat and Mother Courage by Bertlot Brecht are two plays which portray how money and wealth corrupts the human mind and drive peoples to commit hanus crimes. Both stories have similarities and differences of the circumstances in the play but both of them lead to the same outcome. We can see the corruption in both stories present in individuals and in societies. In both plays the corruption is justified by preposterous reasoning presented by the characters. The blunt realization from the character about how they get corrupted is present in both stories, although we can clearly see that the characters aren’t uneasy for what they have become. In Friedreck Durenmmat’s The Visit, lead character Claire Zachanassian plays a filthy rich independent gold digger who demands justice in exchange for one million marks half for the township and the other half for the people. The harsh reality is openly exposed when Madam Claire Zachanassian says that she will only find justice with the execution of a simple townsman which had impregnated her and denied maternity in the past. What had happened to Madam Claire in her past drove her out of Guellen, the town in which the play is set in, and forced her to work in a brothel. She then met a rich man in the brothel and married him and when he died inherited his money, and she has been marrying rich men and divorcing them ever since. After she became rich, she came back to Guellen and ordered Ill’s death, the man who impregnated her. At first when the condition is set all the towns people object violently against her offer and refuse it completely, but this scene is filled dramatical irony as there is a detected scent by the reader of the want for that some of money. There is a sense of foreshadowing at the end of the speech where Claire Zachanasian replies to the townspeople after instantly rebelling against the offer with the two simple words â€Å"I’ll wait†. These two words give us in a way the certainty that he is going to be executed. The corruption of the society of Guellen is clear after the first day of Madam Claire’s proposal. This is evident when all the townspeople begin buying new shoes, wearing clean garments and are buying luxury products all on credit. Before Madam Claire came, the town of Guellen was described as being a very poor area with all of its inhabitants including the mayor living in very simple lifestyles. When the townspeople buy these luxury products we can clearly see that their minds have become corrupted, and that all of them are certain that Ill is going to be executed or murdered. When Ill goes to the mayor and the sheriff for help and demands the arrest of Madame Claire as she has posed a threat on his life, they deny his allegations and reassure that no one wants to execute him. Of course the reader knows that all the townspeople are planning to kill him but they don’t know who will do it and when. At this part of the story the people of Guellen are waiting. When Ill goes to the train station in an attempt to escape from, he finds all the townspeople waiting for him there and they stop him from boarding the train. We can also see the corruption of the higher ranking persons in society, such as the mayor and the church, where they change their decision for the abolishment of the death penalty. The mayor calls a towns meeting for the discussion over the issue of reimplementation of the death penalty. Of course in the end all vote for it except for the church and the schoolmaster which abstain rather than vote against although they are going against their beliefs. In this scene we can see to what extent does corruption extends to where the high ranking officials in the town are corrupted. The mayor which said â€Å"we would rather have poverty than blood on our hands† was actually contemplating executing Ill in exchange for money. The last straw of the corruption in the play is when the schoolmaster goes to Claire Zachanassian in despair and begs her to forget about the execution of Ill. The schoolmaster is a realist and can see through all of the townspeople. He knows that Ill is going to die in the end and can see how the townspeople are becoming corrupted and how they are being seduced by the large sum of money. The schoolmaster pleads to Madam Zachanasian to let her â€Å"feelings for humanity prevail†. Here we can see that the schoolmaster is trying to communicate with the soft side of madam Zachanasian as the power is clearly in her hands and in the money. Here we can conclude that power is in the hands of the wealthy. They can completely corrupt societies and individuals and make them commit horrific sins that no one in their right mind would think about doing. In the play The Visit money corrupted each and every individual in society after they heard that she will be donating one million marks for the township and the individuals. As soon as they hear the deal they start thinking about fulfilling the condition and actually killing Ill. We can see to what extent and how far people are willing to go in exchange for personal gain. In the play all this corruption is justified by justice. Many of the townspeople state that they only want to execute Ill so that justice can be served. This justification of course is false and they are only doing it for the money. In the play Mother Courage and her children the circumstances and the situations are different, but the outcome is similar. The play is set in medieval Europe where there are many wars and conflicts between different countries. In the play, there is evidence of individuals getting corrupted as well as peoples getting corrupted. We first feel a sense of corruption in the second scene when Eilef, the once known brave and courageous man, is recognized for raiding the local peasants and stealing their cattle so that he can feed his hungry men. Here we can see that Eilef is taking the opportunity of the war and his status in the army to go and raid local peasants so that he can steal cattle. In the following scene the Chaplain and the cook appear to be talking about politics and discussing the war. The cook ironically remarks that the king is lucky to justify his war by god, otherwise he would be accused of seeking profits only. Here we can see that see that the people have realized that it is all because of personal gain. In a way, the children of Mother Courage are killed for the motif of money. First Swiss Cheese is executed because he has hid a box which contains a sum of money which the protestants have accumulated from the war. Mother courage then tries then to bribe the soldiers that want to execute him thanking god there is corruption and man is corruptible saying † Thank God they’re corruptible. They’re humans and after money like the rest of us. They’re not wolves. As long as there’s corruption there’s hope. Bribes! They’re a man’s best chance. As long as judges go on taking money, then there’s some chance of justice. † Eilef, after being described as wearing luxurious clothes, is executed for the numerous raids on the local peasants were he stole the belongings of these pitiful peasants and became rich on the expense of their lives. Last but not least Kattrin dies as she is beating the drum warning the peasants that Catholic soldiers are coming to raid their town and steal their belongings. All of Mother Courage’s children had the same tragic fate and all of their deaths are connected to money. In this play, we can see how money can corrupt societies and countries on a large scale. We can see how different people were corrupted in different ways all for the same reason. War changes order into chaos, and man takes the opportunity of chaos so that he can make money on the expense of others, sometimes killing others. The play Mother Courage and her Children vividly describes how peoples and leaders can commit numerous crimes in order to get wealthy and how simple humans can change suddenly into immoral humans after being seduced by wealth. In conclusion, we have an answer to the question at hand. Man is willing to kill, declare war, torture others and steel for the sole purpose of getting money. Man always finds a way to get money on the expense of others without even thinking. Both plays bluntly discussed the issue of corruption, money and how there is no conscience or moral values when it comes to making money, which were major themes in both plays. Last but not least, it is clear to us that man is willing to do anything in exchange for money.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Using Material from Item a Assess Sociological Explanations

Sociology Topic 6 ‘Using material from item A assess sociological explanations of gender inequality in todays society’ In the last 30 years women in the UK working has risen to 2. 45 million whereas men working has risen by 0. 5 million. Item A suggests a variety of gender inequalities in today’s society for example the pay difference women receive as it is suggested according to item A that women earn a quarter of a million pounds less than men and this is without women not having any children if she did have children it would be ? 140,000 less. The pay gap reduces family income overall which isn’t beneficial for families.Another issue is that women mainly work in low paid sectors like retail or caring and due to women having a glass ceiling above men taking all management positions it has left women with the low paid jobs. Hakim believes there’s an occupational segregation in the UK. In the UK according to Hakim men and women do different kinds of work. There are 2 types of occupational segregation. Horizontal segregation and Vertical segregation. Horizontal segregation is when men and women are concentrated in different types if jobs in different sectors of the economy. Women who are in the public sector usually work in health and social work and education.However in the private sector women normally are in admin or clerical work whereas men are in the skilled and manual sector. However horizontal segregation may decline as there is a decline in the primary and secondary sector in the economy. Vertical segregation is when women occupy jobs of low pay and status. There’s evidence that women work in lower levels however when they can work in upper professions they still have a glass ceiling above them according to Walby. This affects women as if there is any chance of promotion they end up being restricted to go any higher.Women also receive less pay in 1975 women only earned 71% of the average full time male wage. The gap has narrowed over the last 30 years due to many women fighting for equal rights. The gap between men and women was 17% in 2007 however the government claim that it’s 12. 6%. The problem with using average pay in the gender gap according to ONS believe that many men who are paid very well can inflate the average and therefore get rid of the true pay gap between men and women. Differences in pay still exists, in some jobs the statistics much higher it’s 22. 3% difference which is a significant compared to the public sector.CMI found out that the average female executive was paid ? 32614 whereas men in the same role received ? 46269. This suggests that inequality still exists however it isn’t as open as it was in the last 50 years it is more discreet. This makes it harder to prove that this inequality still exists in society today. Women also work part time as in 2005 42% of women worked part time whereas 9% men worked part time which shows there is a huge gap this puts women mainly as a huge disadvantage as they have less job security and less chance to promoted. Parsons who is a functionalist believed that men and women should have separate roles in society.He believed women were more suited for the expressive roles whereas men where suited for the instrumental roles of society. He believed men suited pair employment whereas women were meant to do domestic duties. He wasn’t surprised that women are paid less as they are less motivated and less suited to the labour market. Which shows inequality in gender ,as women are seen to be the homemakers according to some sociologists. Some economists believe that the pay gap is justified as it shows that fact that men have more human capital as they have greater orientation to paid work .Women are less commited and are likely to take breaks in there career to look after there family whereas men build their skills, qualifications and skills as they do not take breaks in there career. Howeve r Olsen and walby criticise the human capital theory they believe that main reason why women suffer to have such a low pay is because there’s a systematic disadvantage in acquiring human capital e. g. pay is low in occupations where there are many women. This could be because the jobs require less training and promotion prospects for this job in which men are in the majority.Human capital assumes that experiences of employment means the increase in wage whereas experience in part time work is associated with less wages. Some sociologists believe that a dual labour market exists and is divided into 2 sectors primary and secondary. Primary is secure, well paid and with good prospectus whereas the secondary is poor pay insecurity and no ladder of promotion. Barron and Norris concluded that women are likely to be in the secondary this is due to women being unsuitable, disrupted career developments and weak legal and political framework supporting women.Liberal feminists argue tha t the traditional forms of gender role socialisation in families, education and in the media are responsible for reproducing a sexual division in labour in which masculinity is seen as dominant whereas femininity is seen as subordinate. Oakly argues that the reason for the subordination of women in the labour market is the dominance of motherhood/housewife roles for women. Patriarchal ideology stresses the view that women’s only purpose is to raise children. Sharpe believes that education and careers are main priorities of teen girls.Girls also perform better in education which suggests that society will change at a later stage due to girls performing so well academically. They also see that men and women are taking equal responsibilities are caring and cleaning at home which shows that gender inequality is slowly decreasing as women are realising there potential and men are adapting to women becoming more career focused. Marxists feminists argue the subordination of women to men is linked to the position in society. According to benston women benefit capitalism in 2 ways. The first way is that women provide free domestic labour which allows men to be more effective.Women are also excluded from paid employment in the early 19th century which resulted in women becoming housewife’s and mothers. Benston argues that if the women is a housewife then the man pays for both the labour power of the male and the domestic power of the women. The second way is that women are responsible for raising the future labour force at no cost to the capitalist class this is known as reproduction of labour power. Ansley believed that women in relationships with men also functioned to soak up the male workers frustration with his paid work in the forms of domestic violence.However other Marxists feminists see women as part of ‘reserve army of labour’ which is hired by businesses in times for economic expansion and fired during an change in the economic clim ate (recession). Walby believes that women staying at home has harmed capitalism as women competing with men for jobs would lower wages and increase capitalism. The reserve labour of army has also been criticized as it doesn’t explain why male and females are put in different uses. It doesn’t explain why women have such different responsibilities.Radical feminists argue that society’s divided into 2 different gender classes’ men and women who both have different interests. Feminists believe patriarchal inequalities happen in personal relationships. All personal relationships are political as they based upon different and unequal amounts of power which is determined by sex and are reinforced by every aspect of wider society. Radical feminists note that patriarchal ideology fails then women are constantly under the threat of male violence and sexual aggression which limits their capacity to live as free and independent as they should be.However radical femi nists have been criticized for failing to acknowledge historical changes like women now experience the same rights as men . Another approach is the dual systems approach. Delphy emphasizes the key role of family. She believes the household is important however it’s underrated and believes the work performed by women is high productive however she notes that men dominate households as they have more economic power than women.Walby believes that capitalism and patriarchy could work alongside each other to exploit women. Patriarchy according to walby has evolved from ‘private patriarchy’ in which women have entered public arenas of employment and politics however they still are disadvantaged. She believes that women are no longer restricted to the domestic sphere to ‘public patriarchy’ where women are no longer restricted but have the whole society in which to roam and be exploited.

Friday, November 8, 2019

HCS 483 Information System Briefing Essays

HCS 483 Information System Briefing Essays HCS 483 Information System Briefing Essay HCS 483 Information System Briefing Essay Information System Briefing Health Care Information Systems HCS 483 August 25. 2013 Information System Briefing Supplying quality wellness attention is quickly going synonymous with wellness attention organisations geting engineering and information systems that are the most current. Success of the wellness attention organisation depends on the execution of information systems that are designed to run into the criterions of quality set by the organisation and the wellness attention industry. Acquisition and execution of new or upgraded information systems pose large challenges. Understanding the organisations ends and the functions of the stakeholders will assist in the procedure of taking the right information system for usage by the organisations wellness attention suppliers. Choice and Acquisition Making a maneuvering commission to get down the procedure of choosing and geting is the first measure for a wellness attention organisation when looking at implementing a new information system. Appointing a undertaking director to take the commission to assist give the appropriate information and steer the commission in doing determination. The maneuvering commission determines the procedure of implementing the new information system and conducts research to assist find the best information system for the organization’s needs. The maneuvering commission must look at the demands of the organisation for non merely the current usage but besides how the system will turn with the organisation into the hereafter. Identifying the criterions of attention that the wellness attention organisation will assist specify the aims the commission must run into and the range of analysis to measure that the organisation system demands are met. Research Researching the sellers for merchandises that will run into the demands of certification and records storage is critical in geting the right merchandise. Reaching different sellers and puting up merchandise presentations is the best manner to compare merchandises. This will supply for hands-on research for easiness of usage and real-time inquiries to be answered by the representative. Roll uping preset rating standards from the members on the steering commission so that the choice procedure can get down. Roll uping the single comments on the merchandise must be done on the twenty-four hours of the presentation. Comparing the different information systems. this manner will assist with the choice procedure. Cost Analysis The heightened consciousness in recent old ages of the demand to populate within budgets in the wellness attention sector would look to make the perfect clime for cost-effectiveness analysis ( Russell. Gold. Siegel. Daniels. A ; Weinstein. 1996. p. 1 ) . Cost analysis is portion of the findings that the maneuvering commission must subject in their findings while researching the different merchandises. Cost is a impulsive factor in the choice of a new information system. If the new system does non incorporate into established systems within the organisation. there will be more cost associated with that merchandise. Organizations Goals Continuing the wellness attention organization’s ends in every facet of the acquisition stage is first precedence. Forming schemes that identify with the mission and ends set away by the organisation will assist steer the recommendation from the maneuvering commission. Involving other undertaking leads from back uping sections such as Information Technology ( IT ) will be necessary. IT has the cognition on the bing systems and will hold the penetration that is needed when adding or uniting system merchandises. It is likely that IT has undertakings that will necessitate to interface with the new information system. Uniting thoughts and research may assist take to a better information system pick for the organisation. Functions of the Stakeholders The stakeholder’s functions in the organization’s acquisition of new information system are from start to complete. There should be a stakeholder’s presence in the maneuvering commission to set their accomplishments and cognition of the programs of the organisation on the tabular array to assist influence determinations. The active stakeholder on the maneuvering commission can describe to other stakeholder’s on the advancement and alterations in the procedure of taking the information system. The wide scope of stakeholders is identified as anyone who holds involvement in the failure or success of the organisation. This can run from Chief-Executive-Officer ( CEO ) to concern directors and decision makers. physicians to the nursing staff and even patients. Patients are a critical beginning of information because the patient is the proprietor of the informations entered in to the information system. Stakeholders should hold active input in the full procedure of research. acquisition. and execution of a new information system. For illustration. The medical user may desire an easy-to-use system let go ofing him or her from certification undertakings. while the administrative user wants a system implementing complete documentation ( Ammenwerth. Graber. Herrmann. Burkle. A ; Konig. 2003. p. 5 ) . Decision When sing the add-on or enlargement of a wellness information system the organisation must carry on research with several sellers and a steering commission to do recommendations of the merchandise that will outdo tantrum with the demands set Forth by the organisation. The ends of the organisation will assist steer the determinations on what information system will suit the demands presently and into the hereafter. The stakeholder’s engagement in the full undertaking gives alone penetration from the different degrees of stakeholders. Patients. nurses. physicians. direction. and executive direction are all stakeholders. Uniting all of these elements will assist in the procedure of geting the appropriate information system for the wellness attention organisation. Mentions Ammenwerth. E. . Graber. S. . Herrmann. G. . Burkle. T. . A ; Konig. J. ( 2003. June 7. 2002 ) . Evaluation of wellness information systems- problems and challenges. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 71. 125-135. hypertext transfer protocol: //dx. Department of the Interior. org/http: //dx. Department of the Interior. org/10. 1016/S1386-5056 ( 03 ) 00131-X Russell. L. B. . Gold. M. R. . Siegel. J. E. . Daniels. N. . A ; Weinstein. M. C. ( 1996. October 9. 1996 ) . The Role of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Health and Medicine. Journal of the American Medical Association. 276. 1172-1177. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //av4kc7fg4g. hunt. serialssolutions. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/ ? ctx_ver=Z39. 88-2004 A ; ctx_enc=info % 3Aofi % 2Fenc % 3AUTF-8 A ; rfr_id=info: sid/summon. serialssolutions. com A ; rft_val_fmt=info: ofi/fmt: kev: mtx: diary A ; rft. genre=article A ; rft. atitle=The+role+of+cost effectiveness+analysis+in+health+and+med icine A ; rft. jtitle=JAMA A ; rft. au=Russell % 2C+Louise+B A ; rft. au=Gold % 2C+Marthe+R A ; rft. au=Siegel % 2C+Jo

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

3 Variations of Misplaced Modifiers

3 Variations of Misplaced Modifiers 3 Variations of Misplaced Modifiers 3 Variations of Misplaced Modifiers By Mark Nichol When information is added to the main clause of a sentence to provide more detail, whether it is inserted directly or parenthetically, careful placement enhances comprehension. In each of the following sentences, modifying phrases are clumsily included. Discussion after each example explains the problem, and a revision demonstrates a solution. 1. Smith played Bozo the Clown from 1959 to 1970, a clown character particularly popular in the U.S. in the 1960s because of widespread franchising in television. This sentence’s subordinate clause, which describes Bozo the Clown, follows not that epithet but rather a range of years, but the proper syntactical location for such a modifying phrase is immediately after its referent: â€Å"From 1959 to 1970, Smith played Bozo the Clown, a clown character particularly popular in the U.S. in the 1960s because of widespread franchising in television.† 2. Jones admitted he was nervous after his botched skating routine. Here, the suggestion is that only after Smith finished the skating routine did he become nervous, but the intent of the sentence is to express that Smith’s state of nervousness before the routine contributed to his poor performance. The admission, not the nervousness, is what followed the routine, and the word order should clearly represent this fact: â€Å"Smith admitted after his botched skating routine that he had been nervous.† 3. Researchers found that face-to-face interactions contributed to a sense of well-being rather than contacts via computer. Here, the syntax represents a sense of well-being and contacts via computer as possible outcomes of face-to-face interactions, but it is face-to-face interactions and contacts via computer that contribute to a sense of well-being. To clarify the relationships between the three phrases, the two forms of communication must be mentioned consecutively in counterpoint, with the outcome clearly distinguished at the end of the sentence: â€Å"Researchers found that face-to-face interactions, rather than contacts via computer, contributed to a sense of well-being.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?36 Poetry Terms50 Synonyms for â€Å"Villain†

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Internet - Essay Example Colorful world, victories and defeats, interesting rivals - all this captures the child. Most games carry aggressive tendencies - murders and destruction. While playing, the child identifies himself with his character, and becomes aggressive. If in the virtual world it is possible to kill, destroy, then the same can be done in the real world - that is a conclusion which is formed in the childrens minds (Lee 2008). Information with erotic nature filled the Internet. Some photos and videos even for adults are somehow awkward to watch. But most of the children may have access to porn sites. Childhood and adolescence is the time of formation of sexuality. Porn sites may promote unhealthy sexuality, erotic relationships with all indiscriminately (Lee & Tamborini 2009). Taking into account the unformed childs conscious, the availability of such information may simply destroy sexuality of the child and break his whole life. Child often becomes an unwitting hostage of the lifestyle of own parents, behavior and habits of which he or she copies on a conscious and subconscious level (Mesch 2009). Long chat with a computer, which in the representation of the child begins to associate with a friend who is always ready to play and do not say "enough, Im tired!", can lead not only to the emergence of the computer dependency, but to a whole range of other negative effects. Communicative activities carried out through the Internet are various. Currently there are intensive experiments with anonymity, from the total self-discovery with elements of exhibitionism up to the hype and the inclination to manipulate and control the impression about oneself. Thus, problems with communicative activities appear in the form of low ability to perceive emotional state of a partner and reduction of the ability to recognize non-verbal aspects of communication Compulsive Internet use is linked to the inability to control, reduce or stop

Friday, November 1, 2019

Pilot Unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pilot Unions - Essay Example These elites do not care about the upper mobility of the middle and lower classes thus they have made college to be expensive and in turn most people from such economic classes are shunning away from college. This will empower the upper classes and their well-educated children to place a stranglehold on labor laws and civil liberties in America.2 Further, there have been transformations in workplaces such as downsizing, rise of contingency work, tightening of coordination, human relations management and squeezing wages.3 Downsizing has resulted to a lesser number of Americans being employed on full time basis due to automation and a rise in contingency work in corporations. Consequently, workload is increased on those employees who remain. Due to engagement of robots services, there have been fewer industrial jobs and less leverage in bargaining with management for the employee who remain. In addition, computerization has increased the ability to service more people thus limiting the number of professionals needed in advanced industrial societies. There has been a rise of the contingency worker through the replacement of permanent workers with temporary or part-time ones. The latter are usually paid less and draw no fringe benefits which works well for the corporations. Such corporations thus remain globally competitive, expand and contract with product lines and market cycles, avoid healthcare and pension costs, vacation pay, training programs and government anti-discriminatory rules. Corporations have tightened coordination through the use of computer systems that coordinate the flow of raw materials, machine time, labor and other resources and the front office is thus able to monitor and coordinate retail and clerical work. For instance, with the employment of the Bell telephone operators, every fifteen minutes, computer terminals near supervisor’s desks print out the office’s complete