Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Development of App for Gaming
Development of App for Gaming Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section will demonstrate the after effects of distinctive devices utilized as a part of presentation, investigation and understanding of the outcome in assessment. Tables are likewise included in the section for effortlessly comprehension of the contrast between the current and the proposed programming. 1. Entities used in the proposed software An entity is a thing of enthusiasm to an association about which information is to be held. In a business for instance, substances would be things, for example, a client, a representative, or thing of stock. Each of these substances have what are portrayed as Attributes. Table 2 Input variables in the Main Menu Screen The table above shows the entities used in the proposed software. The proponent researched about the component of a game, this entities were all used by RPG games. 2. Design Consideration of Piratescape There are design considerations that are needed to be followed on building the Piratescape. Some of these are Algorithm, Data Structure, Architectural Design, and System Design. a. Algorithm Figure 4 Implementation of Touch Screen Based Application Algorithm The program shown in Figure 4 implements the Touch Screen Based Application Algorithm. In spite of the fact that this calculation it can distinguish the vicinity and area of a touch inside the presentation zone. Figure 5 Projection Matrix Algorithm The projection matrix algorithm was used on the software to show the Perspective on 3d world it is distance of object on the playerââ¬â¢s character. Orthographic projection (or orthogonal projection) is a method for speaking to a three-dimensional protest in two measurements. It is a type of parallel projection, where all the projection lines are orthogonal to the projection plane, bringing about every plane of the scene showing up in relative change on the review surface. Figure 6 Mipmap Filtering Algorithm In 3D computer graphics, mipmaps are pre-calculated, enhanced grouping of surfaces that go with a principle surface, each of which is a continuously lower determination representation of the same picture. The tallness and width of every picture, or level, in the mipmap is a force of two littler than the past level. b. Data Structure Figure 7 Multi-Dimensional Array Array. It is utilized to indicate a variable that can be filed. One dimensional show is an organized gathering of segments that can be gotten to independently by indicating the position of a part with a solitary listed quality. The information of the same sort and same degree then its ideal to store it in a cluster. A show can hold any kind of information and can have multidimensional. For getting to components of cluster, list is generally utilized. Multi-dimensional clusters are typically spoken to consecutively segment approach on paper, and the terms of lines and segments are utilized as a part of registering. In Piratescape, multi-dimensional array is used for the assigning every value on index in Tile Map System. A typical tile map consists of a multi-dimensional array/matrix containing references to a tile object. Every index holds information such as the type of terrain, if it is possible to walk on it. Figure 8 Implementation of Multi-Dimensional Array in Coordinates Figure 5 shows the use of multi-dimensional array in coordinates. A common tile map consist of a multi-dimensional array/matrix containing references to a tile object. This tile article holds the data, for example, the sort of landscape, in the event that it is conceivable to stroll on it. c. Code Optimization Code optimization is a procedure where the projects source code is advanced for the projects execution and ease of use. Code optimization likewise includes the utilization of standards and calculations to program code with the objective of making it quicker, littler, more proficient, et cetera. Table 3 Quality Assurance Checklist Criteria Total Total (Yes) (No) Table 3 represents the result of the inspection from the white box testing. All the 11 classes and 73 methods on the Quality Assurance Checklist, have passed the inspections. These methods were written well and this is because the software was written with the knowledge of code optimization so the standards of the criteria were targeted immediately during the development of this program. Table 4 The table above shows the number of line of codes of all the each method within every class. Only the handle and together with the character render method has a long code because of directions given on its character movement and the accuracy of the d-pad to its movement. Table 5 Table ? presents the number of conditions that the methods contained within the program which all had minimum occurrences. Fault Density This is the number of faults or errors that are found and will be given a ratio from a certain number of codes. The program passed the criterion because the programââ¬â¢s codes were written with knowledge about quality assurance and code optimization, so there were post fixes upon coding before the white box testing was conducted. d. Architectural Design A UML (Unified Modeling Language) is utilized to indicate, envision, alter, build, and archive the antiques of an article situated programming concentrated framework being worked on. UML is utilized as a part of request to demonstrate the design outline of the proposed programming. Use-case Diagram. It gives a premise of correspondence between end-clients and engineers in the arranging of the product venture. The diagram below shows the use-case diagram of the Piratescape. Figure 9 Use-Case Diagram of Piratescape The researcher used a Use-Case Diagram to understand the flow of the program development. A Use-Case Diagram can portray the different types of users of a system and the various ways that they interact with the system. Activity Diagram. It demonstrates the stream of control that can be utilized as outline for investigation and rationale technique. Figure 10 Activity Diagram of Piratescape The researcher has provided the activity diagram for better understanding of the user. The figure activity diagram of Piratescape show the user will load the main menu and choose a button such as play, and exit button. Figure 10 shows that the user will load the main menu and can choose button such as start, and exit button. When the user chooses start button, it will proceed to the gameplay of Piratescape. In the exit game button which will allow the user to exit the game. Sequence Diagram. Is a sort of connection graph that indicates how techniques work with each other and in what request. Figure 11 Sequence Diagram of Piratescape Piratescape used Sequence Diagram also representing for software design. Sequence diagram shows how objects communicate with each other in terms of a sequence of messages. Class Diagram. Is a kind of static structure outline that portrays the structure of a framework by demonstrating the frameworks classes, their characteristics, operations (or systems), and the connections among items. Figure 12 Class Diagram of Piratescape The class diagram shown in figure 12 represents the PiratescapeRender class, MainMenu class, and Enemy class. All the classes that extend a class has the capability to access the methods in the extended class. 3. System Requirements in Implementing Piratescape Table 6 System Requirements Table 6 represents the minimum hardware requirements of the Piratescape to run on an Android mobile device. The respondents are recommended to use Android 4.4 as the operating system because it is the one used in the development of the software and at least 128mb of free memory from Phone Memory and Memory Card. The application requires a minimum of 64mb of free memory from Phone Memory together with Memory Card, also with Android 4.0 operating system. 4. Level of Acceptability of the software The researcher showed the result of the software in terms of Entertainment, Originality, and Gameplay. Table 7 Result of the Evaluated Software The proponent distributed evaluation forms to the game enthusiast on an internet cafà © named Netopia (Fairview Branch). With a weighted mean of 3 interpreted as Neutral was rated for the Entertainment of the Piratescape. The respondents that seen the software have been provided entertainment by the said software. In terms of Originality, a weighted mean of 3.5 which is interpreted as Neutral. The respondents saw the softwareââ¬â¢s concept have met the respondentââ¬â¢s satisfactory level. In terms of Gameplay, a weighted mean of 3.05 which interpreted as Neutral. The respondents saw the software is capable to provide an interesting and challenging gameplay. A total Weighted Mean of 3.183, the software was evaluated as Neutral remark was formulated according to the respondentââ¬â¢s answers. Chapter 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION This part condenses the significant discoveries, presents conclusions and proposal for the proposed system Piratescape. Summary This project entitled, ââ¬Å"Piratescapeâ⬠, was proposed in order to give an exciting mobile game using the trendiest mobile phone and operating system in market called Android. One major problem for developers and publishers of mobile games is describing a game in such detail that it gives the customer enough information to make a purchasing decision. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What are the input variables in developing this game, Piratescape? 2. What is the design considerations needed to develop a game in term of: a. Algorithm b. Data structure c. Architectural design; and d. Code optimization? 3. What are the hardware and software requirement in implementing the game, Piratescape 4. What are the levels of acceptability in term of Piratescape in terms of: a. Entertainment; b. Originality; and c. Gameplay? Constructive form of research was used in order to develop this project. The researcher provided an evaluation form to the respondents which serve as guide to evaluate the proposed software. Summary of Findings The details stated below are the summaries of findings based from the careful analysis of the gathered data: 1. Input Variables The specialist recognize the data variable that used to the product. A variable is utilized for putting away information. An information sort is doled out to a variable to focus the characterization of a specific kind of data. A good example is the attack and the movement buttons. 2. Design Considerations for the development of Piratescape The following are the design considerations of the Piratescape. a. Algorithm. The algorithms used by the researchers to create the proposed software are the Projection Matrix Algorithm which is also known as Perspective, on 3d world it is the distance of the object on the playerââ¬â¢s character, Mipmap Filtering, it creates a lot of textures that depends on views, and the Minification, which reduces the size of the picture or textures. b. Data Structure. Multi-dimensional cluster is utilized as a part of a few sections of the system. Fundamentally, the analysts all the more frequently utilize this kind of cluster for better investigation in the most effective way. c. Architectural Design. It speaks to the general outline or structure of the created programming which is concerned with the primary parts of how the product functions. The researcher used Lucid Chart to present the Use-case, Activity, Sequence, and Class Diagram for the development of Piratescape. d. Code Optimization. Code enhancement is a methodology where the programs source code is streamlined for the programs execution and ease of use. A PC project may be advanced with the goal that it executes all the more quickly, or was equipped for working with less memory stockpiling or different assets. 3. The System Requirements for Piratescape The minimum Hardware Requirements are Smartphone with Touchscreen technology, RAM at least 512 and above, Memory Storage at least 128mb and above; together with the Software Requirements which is a Smartphone running on Android OS and Android OS Version 4.0 and above. 4. The Level of Acceptability of Piratescape The level of acceptability of the software is evaluated in terms of Entertainment, Originality, and Gameplay. The proponent conducted an evaluation to the Game Enthusiast and Game Experts. Conclusions Based from the analysis of the summary of findings, the following conclusions were depicted: In the field of mobile application, mobile games have been a huge contribution on our past time on our modern lives. The researcher developed a mobile application entitled ââ¬Å"Piratescapeâ⬠to share to the respondents and players to not just play, but to travel past time when you are on idle. Following a certain algorithm, data structure, code optimization, software design and architectural design can be very helpful in developing a system to avoid faulty down system design. In every program, data structure are needed for the researchers to have a better analysis in the most efficient way. Recommendation These were the recommendation for the researchers based on the summary of findings and conclusions. The developed software will be a good guide in future researchers in terms of mobile game development, provided that the mobile phones implementing the software have met the minimum and recommended system requirements. Future researchers are encouraged to enhance the developed software by adding some features and effects. Future researchers may improve the features by using wireless communication for multiplayer gaming. The more players can play at a time, the better.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Helping Children with Incarcerated Parents Essay -- big brother big si
A serious issue facing this country today is the 2.7 million children currently being left behind with incredible pain while their parents are being placed behind bars (Maier 91). They are left behind with not only pain, but the struggles of living day to day life without the guidance of their parents, as well as having to find a new home. According to child development specialist and the founding director of the Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents, Denise Johnston, ââ¬Å"there are over 10 million minor children in the United States who have dealt with parental incarceration over the course of timeâ⬠(91). The Big Brother Big Sister (BBBS) program needs to take the initiative in the process of reunification between parents who have been incarcerated, and the children which whom they leave behind. The Big Brother Big Sister program is designed to nurture children that have not had that sense of connection before, also helping them to recognize their potential, as well as helping them to build a bright future. The BBBS program serves many children in the world that deal with various challenges in life, but one program in relation is the Amachi program. ââ¬Å"The Amachi program specifically helps children with an incarcerated parent to broaden their perspectives on what they can achieve in life and help them to overcomeâ⬠(Big Brother Big Sister). Along with the responsibilities they possess, the Amachi/BBBS program should also help to reunify these children back with their parents once they are released from incarceration. Ultimately, having these BBBS mentors there to encourage these children to visit their parents is creating an easier path to complete reunification. According to R. Anna Hayward and Diane DePanfilis of the Univers... ..." Social Work in Public Health. 27.1-2 (2012): 12-28. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. Maier, Katrin. ââ¬Å"Children of Incarcerated Parents.â⬠Taylor & Francis Online. 12.1 (2006): 91-105. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. Merenstein, Beth, Ben Tyson, Brad Tilles, Aileen Keays, and Lyndsay Ruffiolo. "Issues Affecting the Efficacy of Programs for Children with Incarcerated Parents." Journal of Correctional Education. 62.3 (2011): 166-174. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. Osofsky, Joy D. Young Childrn and Trauma: Intervention and Treatment. New York: Guilford Press, 2004. eBook. Reed, Diane F., and Edward L. Reed. "Children of Incarcerated Parents." Social Justice. 24.3 (1997): 152-169. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. United States. U.S. Government Accountability Office. Child Welfare: More Information and Collaboration Could Promote Ties Between Foster Care Children and Their Incarcerated Paents. Washington: , 2013. Web.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Human Development Essay
In this paper we will discuss the life span perspective of human development. Then we will summarize three theories related to human growth and development and identify at least one influential theorist for each. Then we will identify aspects of the life span perspective. Finally we will explain how heredity and the environment influence human development. There are six lifespan perspectives on human development the life expectancy (measured at birth) of American men and women, differentiated by race. For the 2005, the latest data available, the life expectancy for men of all races is 75. 2 years and 80. 4 years for women. Life-long which is no age period dominated development. Multi-dimensional that development is about biological, cognitive, socioemotional and spiritual dimensions. Multidirectional is some aspects of development increase while other decrease. Plastic is depending on one life conditions and what development paths our body takes. Historically-embedded is development influenced by historical conditions. Multidisciplinary is psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, neuroscientist and medical researchers all study human development and share different concerns. Contextual is the individual continually responds to and act on context. According to (Hernandez, 2008) ââ¬Å"The lifespan perspective is about understanding that changes occur in every period of development and these changes must be looked at as a product of the culture and of the specific situation surrounding the change. â⬠There are a lot of things that define lifespan but one perspective is life-long. Life is not dominated by one moment or period in your life. According to experts, the life span perspective of human development involves three key developmental domains (Hernandez, 2008). These are the physical domain, the cognitive domain, and the social domain. The physical domain deals with the physical changes that a person goes through. For example, height, shape changes, weight fluctuations, and puberty can all be described as changes that happen in the physical domain. Here are three theories: Freudââ¬â¢s psychosexual development theory, Eriksonââ¬â¢s stages of psychosocial development and Havighurstââ¬â¢s developmental stage and tasks. * What influence me about Freudââ¬â¢s view is I believe there is some truth that in some way we all have sexual impulses repressed. But on the other hand I believe that Erikson view about we learn to be assertive and learn to be create is also true. Finally Havighurst of development tasks are based on personal independence stages. Lifespan perspective is contextual meaning ââ¬Å"the individual continually responds to and acts on contexts, which include a personââ¬â¢s biological makeup, physical environment, and social, historical, and cultural contextsâ⬠(Santrock, 1999). The heredity and the environment influence human development is how researchers tend to be interested in dimensions that determined by genetics. For example, Javier has two biological daughters who share the same biological mother. Both are tall, well mannered, and musically inclined. Despite these similarities, the older child appears socially reserved and quiet, while the younger one, who was born into the same family environment, seems more outgoing. In addition, one of his children has been diagnosed with a learning disability while the other seems exceptionally well-functioning cognitively. You must understand that nature versus nurture, heredity is in your genealogy their no way to change it accept your lifestyle choices-drinking-smoking and doing drugs will affect all organs muscles and brain functions leading down the path to cancer, heart attack, stroke, emphysema, hallucinations, depression, suicidal thoughts and so on, eat healthy exercise and get a genealogy test done of your immediately family to see what if any ââ¬Å"diseasesâ⬠carry over to your blood line. Grandparents-mother and father of both and siblings-slap stepmothers and stepchildren as well as aunts and uncles-with or without children. * In this paper we discussed the life span perspective of human development. Then we summarized three theories related to human growth and development and identify at least one influential theorist for each of them. Then we identify aspects of the life span perspective. Finally we explained how heredity and the environment influence human development. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Reference 1. Bowen, J. R. (2011). Infant Social Development. Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com 2. http://social. jrank. org/pages/300/Heredity-Versus-Environment. html#ixzz1HJ4qvhaS 3. Santrock, (1999). The Lifespan perspective on Human Development. Retrieved from http://www. sasked. gov 4. Hernandez, (2008). Heredity Versus Environment-The Nature-nurture controversy exploring heredity and environment: Research methods, beyond heritability. Retrieved from http://social. jrank. org 5. : Life Expectancy at Birth by Race and Sex, 1930ââ¬â2005 ââ¬â Infoplease. com http://www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0005148. html#ixzz1HMEhhXPX *.
Friday, January 3, 2020
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and The Story of an...
The Hour for Emily In the short stories A Rose for Emily and The Story of an Hour, Emily Grierson and Louise Mallard are both similar women, in similar time periods but they both are in entirely different situations. This essay will take these two specific characters and compare and contrast them in multiple, detailed ways. A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner is a short story with third party narration, centered on the main character, Emily Grierson. She is suppressed by her father, life expectations and community interest in her life. The reader gets a sense that Emily cracks under all the pressure and they soon realize after her death, when she is in her seventies, that she did in fact have a mental disorder. The second story inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The expected life style of women in that this period was; cooking, cleaning, mingling, taking care of the male and other sexist responsibilities. In some cases these women had servants to help with their female duties in the household. The woman in this time in history were always the inferior to the males. This can be noted in Emilyââ¬â¢s situation with her controlling father and again with Louise because the reader gets a sense of inferiority and that she does not want to continue living with her husband. Male dominance is depicted in both of these short stories. In addition, both women in this time setting were also expected to be wed by their middle ages. In a Rose for Emily, the main character never married. The reader gains the impression that she did, in fact, want to be married and accepted. Emily longed so much to be happy with a man that she seemed to take it to the extreme. Louise made it overwhelming clear in The Story of an Hour, just how extremely happy she was to be set free from her marriage. The reader has the sense that there were other events and or actions that took place within the marriage that caused Louise to become so extremely excited to just imagine life being single. Louise was in fact, bonded by marriage, while Emily was sadly bonded in solitude. Next, the characters Louise Mallard and Emily Grierson are similar is their own progress throughout the two different stories. At the start of both stories, the writers made itShow MoreRelatedA Rose For Emily By William Faulkner And The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin853 Words à |à 4 Pagestwo short stories ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠by William Faulkner and ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠by Kate Chopin. I plan to address these similarities and differences, but donââ¬â¢t worry if you havenââ¬â¢t read these stories, because I will be doing a shortened summary of both stories. By comparing and contrasting these stories I hope to inform you of both authors and the more complex, underlying themes and plots of the stories. In the beginning of ââ¬Å"A Rose for Emilyâ⬠the narrator recalls a time when Miss Emily GriersonRead More Married To Be Alone? 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